June 2013


From the very beginning Russian customers of luxury products have fallen in love with Puredistance. Why? An easy answer would be: because they love to splash their money on luxury. But that is TOO easy. Yes the Russians love luxury, but there is more. Puredistance is a brand that can be characterised as: understated elegant from the outside and beautifully complex from the inside. Or in other words: beautiful and complex Master Perfumes that are stylishly packaged and presented. Go back in time, take a close look at the imperial times of the Tsars in Russia and you see the same. Stylish elegance and true luxury (If you doubt this, please spend one day in the Hermitage in St. Petersburg) and warm and complex characters hidden behind faces with a somewhat distant look (which you clearly can see in the classic paintings of the Tsarinas). Then complexity. If you think of the famous Russian writers, painters and composers, the conclusion must be the Russian people are not afraid of complexity. Under a somewhat distant outside, Russian hide a warm and natural heart that embraces the complexity that is part of our existence. Distant and elegant from the outside, warm and passionate from the inside. Exactly as the elegant Puredistance packaging doesn’t give away the secrets of the beautiful and complex Perfume Soul inside…. 

Below some pictures that were taken during the Instyle Beauty & Perfume Event in Moscow last week. Many celebrities visited this event about beauty and the Puredistance stand was constantly busy. It was great to see and feel the enthusiasm for our brand!

Puredistance founder Jan Ewoud Vos with russian celebrities at VIP event in Moscow
Puredistance founder Jan Ewoud Vos with Russian celebrities during a VIP event in Moscow

Puredistance Master Perfumes stand at VIP event in Moscow
Puredistance Master Perfumes stand at VIP Fashion and Perfume event in Moscow

Furthermore Puredistance hardly advertises and we never pay celebrities to endorse and advertise our products. Reasons why our customers must be strong enough to follow their own taste, rather than follow the masses and buy what is being advertised. I think many Russians have the guts to select a Perfume they intuitively love. For all the right reasons. Elegance, Timeless Beauty and Complexity. Finally just take a walk on the main avenues in Moscow or St. Petersburg and you will see that Russian women spend a lot of time and money on looking good.

Puredistance founder Jan Ewoud Vos with russian celebrities at VIP event in Moscow
Trying out the Puredistance Master Perfumes at a VIP Fashion and Perfume event in Moscow