June 2015


Monique – The Netherlands
“You really made my day!! I have been in my bed since Monday with a big fever feeling awful and not even thinking about wearing fragrance… So today when I got the sample of white I was not sure to put it on but did it anyway! Oh my god… It made me feel so much better, it smells really amazing it was love at first sniff… And that is quite amazing knowing I was not in the Mood for fragrance the last few days!”
Yousuf – Qatar
“Two days ago I bought a sample of WHITE from First in Fragrance, and WOW this is one of the best things that I have ever smelled in all my life. I am a collector, I have +300 bottles, now I can easily say that WHITE is number one for me :). By the way I am a man 🙂 and WHITE is easily a unisex.”
Nazima – Germany
“White arrived and it is drop-dead gorgeous! I Love on the first sniff. Compared to M it goes in the exact opposite direction but it has the beauty, quality and complexity equally. As someone who is more on a darker perfume side and often struggling with typical feminine perfumes especially white florals “White” came as a pure fascination. Another love of mine. A summer love :)”
 Jacqueline – U.S.A
“White took me totally by surprise.  It is subdued but not when I initially applied it.  I took a mild bath in it, I believe:).  This morning, I applied it again with a more subtle hand and AGAIN I find myself fascinated by this fragrance as with all of the other Puredistance fragrances!  It is totally unique but nonetheless quite refined!”
Puredistance White Perfume beautifully displayed in the window of a perfumery
Puredistance WHITE beautifully displayed
Karin – Stockholm 
“Thank you so much for the WHITE parcel. I have worn the perfume for a day and a half  – it took a little while for me to understand it but now I love it. It is a real shape-shifter – I woke up in the middle of the night and smelt a new phase. The dry-down is extraordinary”
Pamela – Australia
“Just a little courtesy note to let you know my beautiful perfume “White” has arrived. It is absolutely wonderful … my daughter had a little spray and was also delighted with it.”