August 2010


It took 5 years to develop Puredistance from an idea into a reality. Then it took 3 years to find some quality perfumeries in Europe that offer the kind of personal care and enthusiasm our brand needs. And all this time we were selling only ONE scent: Puredistance 1 Perfume. And we never did any form of paid advertising. The message is clear. We move carefully – step by step.

To quote Bill Bryson from his fascinating book – a short history of nearly everything – “There is one extremely pertinent quality about life on Earth: it goes extinct. Quite regularly. For all the trouble they take to assemble and preserve themselves, species crumple and die remarkably routinely. And the more complex they get, the more quickly they appear to go extinct. Which is perhaps one reason why so much of life isn’t terribly ambitious.”

We feel the same can be true for building a business. Which doesn’t mean we are not ambitious. But our ambition is focused on keeping it simple – and beautiful. Staying small and personal. Getting the product right and find perfumeries that love our products and can tell our story. For us it is not about how much we sell. It is about the quality of the interaction with the right people. It is about making a small amount of people who really appreciate our Perfumes happy and not try to please the whole world. Keeping things small and beautiful is our way of fighting extinction!

Due to the Holidays, orders made after December 18th will only be shipped after January 6th, 2025.